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The Land of Milk and Honey

Where: Weizmann Institute, high-tech industry, futuristic agriculture and more.
Duration: 1 days
What to bring: hat, sunscreen, water

Language: The tour is originally in English.

 "A land where the rocks are iron and you can dig copper out of the hills"  (Deuteronomy 8)  "For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land—a land with brooks, streams, and deep springs gushing out into the valleys and hills; 8 a land with wheat and barley, vines and fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil and honey"

The conquests of occupation throughout the millennia of the Land of Israel shocked the occupiers.  They saw an organized country, full of goodness.  Legend has it that when the Roman soldiers arrived in Eretz Israel they admired and enjoyed the good air and the smell that came from the villages, the smell of cinnamon branches that the women added to the cooking wood.  Another legend tells of the good smell that came from the sacrifices in the Temple, which spread as far as Jericho, to the point that Jericho's goats sneezed.  As for the perfume, the most prestigious perfume in the ancient world was undoubtedly the persimmon perfume from the Ein Gedi region.


The pioneers who arrived in Israel over a century ago faced a giant task: to build a land and a people. A land that had been desolate, and a people that had been scattered all over the world.   The pioneers succeeded beyond expectations.  Today, the State of Israel is flourishing and prospering. Among the countries with the highest quality of life, an excellent economy, leading breakthroughs in science and academia.  About 8 million Jews live in the Land of Israel and it is a magnet for all Jews in the world.  The problems of the young State of Israel have not ended, with enemies and fanatics and even anti-Semitism disguised as a boycott against the "occupation."  But despite the problems, Israel is stronger than ever, the country is flourishing, the desert has become green as in the vision of the prophets,  Israeli cows produce the most milk in the world, the Mediterranean has become a source of drinking water, and the future of the youth here looks promising.  Eretz Israel is a fascinating country.  The first thing you notice is the special energy of the land and its people.   It is a happy and optimistic country.  This, evidently, is the future.

We will visit the Weizmann Institute of Science, one of the world's leading research institutions, visit the high-tech industry that leads the Israeli economy, visit futuristic agriculture, see how we grow bananas in the desert, visit open markets, meet directly with Israelis in Tel Aviv and the Jordan Valley, in the Galilee and the Negev, and get to know the human mosaic called Israel. 

Zechariah Chapter 8 -  So said the Lord of Hosts: Old men and women shall yet sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each man with his staff in his hand because of old age. And the streets of the city shall be filled, with boys and girls playing in its streets. So said the Lord of Hosts: As it will be wonderful in the eyes of the remnant of this people in those days, it will also be wonderful in My eyes, says the Lord of Hosts.

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